Saturday, December 8, 2012

update on TTC and Lauren

It's day 15 of TTC cycle 2 and this month I thought I'd try temping. Of course when I say this I mean my version on temping because there's no way I ever get 3 hours of sleep before I wake up and also I've been on holidays this past week so I've been sleeping in too. I've never actually temp'd before and have always just assumed I ovulate on day 14 so with how I've been feeling about how long it'll take to get pregnant I figured I'd arm myself with as much knowledge as possible. I think it showed that I ovulated yesterday as expected since my temps from day 1-14 have been ranging between 96.4-96.7 and this morning was 97.2.

I'm not feeling confident about getting pregnant this cycle. We've done the every second day thing since day 11 but I just feel like this isn't our month. I don't know why but I still have this feeling that it'll take a while and I'm at peace with that. On day 1 of this cycle I was a little disappointed but I reminded myself that I'd rather it take a bunch of cycles to get pregnant if it goes on to be a healthy pregnancy for both myself and our future baby. Maybe these feelings are just a way to keep my expectations low? Next cycle is the last one we'll have a good chance to TTC because the timing will be incredibly bad for cycles 4 and 5. There's pretty much no chance of getting pregnant those months. Either way I've got a healthy child at home with me to cuddle, kiss and shower with love. If she's all we're meant to have here with us then so be it. I'm incredibly grateful for Lauren. 

Now onto Lauren! She's just turned 16 months and I don't see much baby left in her. I thought we'd be on the way to being potty trained by now but she seems to have regressed. A few months ago all she wanted to do was sit on the potty and would start to cry when you made her get off. Now it's the opposite. She still comes up and lets us know she need to go "pee pee" (we've just started getting her to say poo) but she refuses to go sit on the potty and by the time I struggle with her to get on she's already gone. The only consistent time she goes on the potty is first thing in the morning. In fact this morning her night diaper was bone dry and 10 minutes after waking up she looked at me said "pee pee" then "potty" and off we went were she peed straight away and a few minutes later pooped. I'm trying not to force this on her as I know 16 months is still very young to be potty trained so most days if she says she needs to go I'll just ask if she wants to go to the potty and if she says no I leave her for a few minutes then off we go for a change.

I can't believe how many words she knows. I started to write them all down the other day and stopped after 75. She's able to let us know if there's something she wants and is always copying us when we speak. The other day she was playing with a french/english toy and started to say words in french! It seems like every day she says a new word, like this morning while playing in the living room she could hear the birds outside and said "tweet tweet" while pointing at the window.

She's started the terrible 2's early and my patience is definitely being tested. At some point this past month she's also started to no with a lot of attitude. She wants to do everything on her own. Our biggest point of frustration is she wants to stand while going down the stairs and refuses help or even to hold my finger so she stands at the top of the stairs and getting upset because she wants to get down on her own but can't reach the banister. After about 5 minutes of this I either have to pick her up screaming and move her down 2 stairs so she can use the railing or she gives in and butt scoots down to that stair. Don't even get me started on how much fun it is to go shopping with her. Tuesday she had 3 on the floor screaming melt downs at the mall. It's not because she's frustrated and can't tell us what she wants, it's purely a power struggle. 

Now onto sleeping. Lauren's getting pretty consistent with her bed and wake up time (9:30-7:30 as well as a 2 hour nap during the day). I tried moving the bedtime up because I felt that 9:30 was a little late to go to bed but it just moves her wake up time ahead. After getting up at 6 a few mornings it's been moved back to 7:30. All in all I've excepted this because it also means Dan gets more time with her at night since he doesn't get home until 6:30/7. I'm still rocking her to sleep with a bottle mainly because within 5 minutes she's asleep and the transfer into bed is easy. Some nights she wakes up anywhere between 3-6 am and normally gets brought into our bed but she still sleeps through the night a few times a week. We're slowly going to transition away from falling asleep with the bottle to having the bottle as part of our bedtime routine before brushing her teeth. When that transition is finished we'll move to getting her to fall asleep on her own.

I spoke to a nurse from the health unit yesterday that deals mainly with dental issues in children 1-3 and we're going to transition away from the bottle. Dan and I knew this was coming for a while and I've been feeling like she's been drinking too much milk and not enough water or eating as much as she should. She's now limited to 3 bottles a day and the rest of the time is water. I've left her sippy cup filled with water on the coffee table so she can go over and have a drink whenever she likes. I've also left a bowl with raisins, cheerios and fruit next to it so she can eat as much and as often as she likes. When she comes up and asks for her bottle I've been directing her to the food and she's been eating. I'm starting to suspect she was asking for her "baba" because she was hungry. She hadn't been eating much the past couple weeks and I think it's because she fills herself up on milk. At the moment she gets a bottle when she wakes up and can have the rest of that bottle whenever she'd like throughout the rest of the morning. Once it's finished I put it out of sight and remind her that there's water. She gets her second bottle when she goes down for her nap, again if it's not finished she can continue to have it after she wakes up until it's gone then gets put out of sight. Her last bottle she falls asleep to at night. She very rarely gets a bottle in the middle of the night.

Here's some pics of Lauren
 She decided to eat yogurt without help
 Getting our christmas tree!
 Licking the vegemite off her sandwich
She loves playing with blocks at the moment

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