Wednesday, December 19, 2012


*This was written yesterday*

I think I might be pregnant! Today is cycle day 25.  Last week I decided to give into my early testing obsession in a way that wouldn't cost us a lot of money.......ebay! I bought 25 tests for $10.25 (free shipping). I didn't really hold out much hope that these tests would ever show up positive because of Lauren's pregnancy and the lack of + urine, also they're the cheap strip tests but testing is my way of getting through the 2 week wait. I decided I was going to test Sunday (9 DPO) and every second day until my period arrived. Sunday of course was 100% negative. This morning however.....

I'm wasn't sure how much I trusted these tests so I took another later on this morning and.....
top-first morning urine, bottom taken a few hours later

It's even darker then my first morning urine! So now I'm pretty sure I am pregnant (at least for the time being). I'm still going to go for a blood HCG on Saturday if my period doesn't arrive Friday.
Of course this would be the month to get pregnant though. It's been a rough week in this house. Lauren was sick Monday/Tuesday with a really bad cold that she still hasn't completely gotten over. That means complete lack of sleep Monday night because she couldn't breathe and a few hours sleep Tuesday night. That's also around the time I started to feel nauseous after eating. I remember joking with Dan that if I turn out to be pregnant watch out because morning sickness before 4 weeks might be a sign of twins or more! I say this because with Hailey and Lauren morning sickness started around 6 weeks. I've also had a heightened sense of smell since Wednesday. I can't stand going over to my mom's because eventhough she only feeds the dog twice a day (first thing in the morning and then at dinner time) and picks up the dish when she's finished I keep smelling dog food which is driving me crazy.

I thought those symptoms were explained on Thursday when Dan came home from work in the afternoon because he wasn't feeling well. This is VERY unusual for him because he doesn't get paid sick time so he always goes to work even if he's sick (we need the money and he hates that his work doesn't pay sick time so he goes in anyway probably a little out of spite because most of his colleagues are on salary and do get sick pay). After sleeping the afternoon away  because he was feeling nauseous and dizzy he started to get diarrhea. Then at 9pm so did I. By 12am that turned into non stop vomiting for me which continued until 3pm Friday. My mum came first thing in the morning to pick Lauren up in hopes that she wouldn't get sick (and she didn't!!!!) The vomiting continued on and off the rest of the day. The only way I could keep down water was to take 2 gravel every 4 hours to knock me out then have something to drink when I started to feel drowsy. By Saturday we were both feeling better so we picked Lauren up and relaxed the rest of the weekend. The nausea after eating continued which we assumed was a prolonged effect from being sick. Now, maybe it's not but I do worry about all the stomach cramps and dehydration so early on in the pregnancy.

After taking the second test I filled out an online intake form for one midwifery group and called to make an appointment at another. Midwives are becoming popular in this area and I've heard that if you don't call them ASAP after finding out you'll be put on a waiting list and may not get to see one. I'm still waiting to hear back from the online one but I did get an appointment by calling the other office. I'm thinking I'll go with the one I have an appointment for. I'm not entirely sure how thrilled Dan is with my choice of having a midwife this time around so I think it will comfort him more knowing they also have doctor's who solely deal with pre/postnatal care and delivery.

With the holidays and because I need an afternoon appointment the earliest they could see me is Jan. 24th. This is fine with me because I'll be just shy of 9 weeks and I don't really like seeing anyone for pregnancy until after 12 weeks anyway. I have an appointment with my doctor early January (just shy of 6 weeks) for my yearly physical and while there I'm planning to ask for an early ultrasound done as close to before we leave for Australia as possible. I took a lot of comfort with Lauren knowing there was a heartbeat and she was growing well at 12 weeks and since we'll be in Australia when I turn 12 weeks this is the best I can do.

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