Saturday, December 22, 2012

4 weeks

I did my HCG today and I can officially say I'm pregnant! My HCG level was 262 at 4 weeks 1 day (although I'm sure the doctor is going to put me back a day eventhough my cycle is 27 days instead of 28). This gives me a due date of...... August 31,2013.

I thought I'd start the weekly pregnancy questions. I'm not going to do this every week but it'll give me an idea of how much weight I've gained. Most of these questions aren't going to apply yet but I'll do the best I can.

How far along? 4 weeks
Baby's size? Poppyseed
Total Weight Gain: My weight at the moment is 138.2lbs

Bellybutton:  Obviously in
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of my stretchmarks from pregnancies 1 and 2
Maternity Clothes: No
Gender: Don't think we'll find out
Movement: No
Sleep: I've been suffering insomnia the past couple nights. I've barely slept at all the past 3 days.
Symptoms: Is it too early for morning sickness? I've been feeling nauseous most for a week now.
Food Aversions: Because of the nausea I haven't really been feeling like eating so everything.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
Best Moments this week: 
Getting my BFP
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: Christmas!

I'm really hoping to a happy and healthy 9 months.
I forgot to update about the temp dip the other day. It went back up the next day from 96.4 to 97.5.


  1. Congratulations!! Praying for a healthy little baby! We're trying again too, I should be able to test on January 4th. If it's positive, we'll have a due date of September 15!!

  2. Thank-you! Sorry I didn't see this until now. Good luck tcc. Hopfully you got or will get some good news soon :)
