Sunday, March 25, 2012

update on how babysitting went and more

I know this is really late.  The last post was about my worries with my father looking after Lauren. Of course everything went fine but I'm glad I wrote it when I did. I've always wanted to keep the blog honest and these were the feeling I had leaving Lauren. If I were to have written it after the fact it would've been written differently with less worry. It's funny because as the time got closer to us leaving it became easier. I was less worried/stressed and more looking forward to some time alone with Daniel. We went to lunch, then a movie and stopped off to pick up a potty. In total we were gone for a 4.5 hrs. Poor Lauren wouldn't take a bottle (she did that last time too) so she was very hungry when we got back since it had been 6 hours since I last fed her. I didn't want to waste the milk that had been warmed and she took the bottle from me. She's really turning into a mummy's girl. I just needed this first time to go well and now I'm much more relaxed about having my dad and his wife look after her.

Lauren has had a bad cold the past few days. At first I thought it was teething (she got her first tooth the other day!) but the runny nose turned into a snotty/blocked nose. She slept with me Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Her nose was so blocked she couldn't breathe and would wake up gasping for air. I found that if she was sleeping on an angle she could breathe a bit better so Thursday we slept propped against a pillow in bed so we were practically sitting, Friday night she could breathe as long as her head was on my arm and last night she could sleep laying down flat. Tonight she's back in her crib. Hopefully she'll stay there all night but who knows how her breathing will be when she wakes up for her feeding.

I've also tried switching back to cloth at night. We do cloth full time during the day and were doing it at night until she started sleeping longer. During the day I change her ever 2 hours (I could go longer because she rarely soaks through them but I find 2 hours easy to remember.) I don't change her when she wakes up at night unless she's pooped because if I do then she's WIDE awake afterwards! I've noticed she's filling up less of the overnight diaper so decided to give it another go. Last night I put in 3 hemp/bamboo inserts (I do 1 during the day)and she soaked through them all by morning. No rash or anything just a little wet on the back of her sleeper. I'm trying again tonight hoping that maybe it was just a bad night. I'd really like to go back to cloth full time again.

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