Thursday, March 1, 2012

7 months

I'm starting to realize Lauren's no longer my little baby.

-She sits unaided and now rarely falls over, stands with support and LOVES walking around (with help of course.) I'm slightly concerned with her feet though. I think she's bow legged. Maybe this is just a learning thing because I've noticed the left side getting straighter but the right stays the same. I'll try to remember to bring this up at our next appointment in 2 months. 
-She's getting close to crawling. She lifts her legs and bum up but can't figure out how to get her chest up at the same time. I think she's doing amazingly well with the crawling process considering she hates tummy time and hasn't gotten nearly as much as she should've. I don't think I mentioned last time but the doctor told me at her 6 month appointment to keep doing the tummy time because she was starting to get a flat head. Well that's near impossible considering she can roll over when she wants and unless we distract her that's exactly what she does. I'm hoping it'll be ok now because she sits or stands most of the day unless she's sleeping. I've also switched the strollers too so she no longer sits in the car seat when we go for walks. I'm hoping since she's able to lift her head and look around it'll help a little too.

-We're still struggling with trying to find foods Lauren likes. The list is still very short: Apples,  Bananas. We tried butternut squash yesterday and she ate half the container so I'm hoping this will be added to the list. She didn't mind sweet potato either so I've got some more to make up and will hopefully be up to 4 fruits and veg she likes. She also tried some chicken and mince this week (she liked neither!) I've been trying to let her feel the food and she enjoys playing with it but it never goes in her mouth. I find this very strange because everything she touches goes into her mouth.....except food!

-We're also still struggling with her eczema. It had gotten better using the Vaseline base but it's now flared up again. The hazel wood necklace I ordered online shipped yesterday so hopefully this'll help. I should add that I don't believe in the "healing" of the necklace but am at a lose of what to do so am willing to try anything at this point. *I've just received a call that Lauren has an appointment with a dermatologist early next month!*

-She's all over the place in clothing sizes. Anywhere from 3-6 month put to 12 month depending on the brand.

It was my Grandmother's 90th birthday this month so we had a great big party for her. This meant that we also got to see my cousin's baby who was born 3 weeks ahead of Lauren. Man is there a big difference.  She was held 90% of the time so she can't even sit up unaided yet. I don't know if I could handle still having a baby that needed to be held all the time. I'm enjoying the freedom of Lauren happily playing on the floor too much.

Here's some pics for the month:

 Banana! Even with banana she'll play but not put in her mouth
 Getting ready for bed. Still swaddling her so she can't itch her chin
 Playing with Dad
Walking. Notice the feet?
 Hated being in the park swing!
 Playing with Nana

The weather's starting to turn nice so more walks in the park!

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