Saturday, February 11, 2012

6 months

Weight: 19.4lbs
Height: (I'll have to check later!)

My baby's 6 months old! Wow the time has flown by. These past few months have been really great watching Lauren learn and explore. When she was a newborn she was very relaxed and easy going then there was a few months that she cried a lot. In hind site I think she was a bit colic. I also think she was very frustrated with not being able to move around. Now that she's more mobile she's loving life. She's the happiest little girl and has started to sit on her own and play on the floor which means I'm able to get more housework done. She's back to being a very laid back baby. This week was filled with appointments. Monday she saw the optometrist. It's suggested they see them around 6 months to make sure there's no congenital defects and make sure things are progressing well. I was expecting to pay for this visit and then file to get reimbursed through our extended health but was pleasantly surprised to find that it's covered. Lauren did so well that the optometrist was able to see all the way to her optic nerve in both eyes which she says is very rare for babies to allow them to do. No defects (thankfully) but she did mention that Lauren has a slight astigmatism. That this stage it's very minor and likely won't change but she'll have to go for yearly checks just to make sure it doesn't. The way I see it is that worst that'll happen is she'll need glasses (which is to be expected at some point since I need them and Dan needs them for night driving.) Next was her 6 month check up with our doctor. Lauren's eczema has gotten pretty bad so we were given a steroid cream to use. So far it's helped with the inflammation but it's not really clearing it up. Hopefully it'll start to work better soon or we'll be back in later this week. Again the doctor was surprised at how calm Lauren was at the appointment. She said after listening to Lauren's heart that she has very strong valves (which made me feel good!) Lauren let her look inside her mouth with the tongue depressor and wasn't bothered with any of the poking and prodding. Wednesday was her 6 month shots. There's the start of a whooping cough outbreak in the town next to us (they've had over 100 reported cases since December) so I wanted to make sure we were on time with the immunization since we often visit our friends (who don't immunize) that live there. I don't really want to get into the whole immunization debate but with the outbreak, them having school aged children and Lauren not being fully immunized yet I've been avoiding visiting them a bit. A coworker's 10 month old had it and she was telling me how horrible it was.

Here's a list of Lauren's achievements this past month:

-She's started eating fruits and vegetables! So far she's had spaghetti squash (hates it), sweet potato (indifferent), apple (LOVES!), banana (likes) and carrot (not too sure about it yet since it's only day 2.) She gets rice cereal in the morning which she really likes and puree for dinner.
-Pulls herself up from sitting on my lap
-I've discovered she likes wearing hats (which I've started taking full advantage of)
-Had her first outing in the snow
- First trip to the US (to pick up Grandma and Grandpa)
- rolling back and forth
-wants to touch EVERYTHING!
- she's started taking steps while standing
- sits unaided really well now (though I still don't trust her on hard surfaces)
- She's got a tiny bud on her upper gum!

Now for the pictures :)

 Trying squash for the first time

 Hat her great grandma in Australia knitted for her
 Wearing Grandpa's hat
She hardly sits anymore!

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