Tuesday, October 4, 2011

9 weeks

Weight: 14.3lbs
Height: 60.2 cm

It's been mostly another uneventful week. Lauren had her 2 month shots yesterday. Wow, I can't believe my baby's 2 months old! Time seems to be flying by since she arrived but to keep it in perspective it hasn't even been a year since I found out I was pregnant again. She got a bit of a fever last night (38.3) so we gave her tylenol. She's been doing ok. She was very clingy and wouldn't eat much but that seems to have gone away now.

I looked at some old posts on the blog this weekend. It's really nice to look back and see how far we've come. I read one I wrote about how I we were thinking of starting to try again but I was worried about being too pregnant at my sister's wedding. The part that was really got to me was how I'd written that I was thinking of starting to try again and not wait because what if October was our month to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. I'm so glad we tried that month. Who would've thought that October really was our month and that I'd be sitting here now with my 2 month old. I'm so thankful for her. She's amazing. She'll never replace Hailey and I still think of her everyday but it's nice when I have those moments of sadness to look at Lauren and know she wouldn't be here if Hailey had been healthy. Double edge sword but I guess that's how life works sometimes. I'd to chose and I wouldn't be able to. I love them both so much and wish they could both be here now. It's funny because when I found out I was pregnant with Hailey I was so worried about having twins and yet here I am 2 years later wishing we had 2 babies in the house.

At the moment I'm working on trying to get Lauren to nap in her crib. She's still in the basinet in our room at night but I'd like her to get used to the crib so I try to get her to nap in it during the day. So far no luck. I'll put her in asleep and she'll wake up 5 minutes later and start crying. Then we start the whole process over again. I'm hoping perseverance is the key on this one! Hopefully next week I'll be able to say that she now naps in the crib.

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