Wednesday, October 19, 2011

11 weeks

Weight: 15.6

It's been a busy week so I didn't have much time to add what we've been up to. Lauren's doing great. She sleeps in her own room every night but now wakes at 2/2:30 and then again at 6/6:30. Her bedtime used to be 9pm, but she's started slowly creeping earlier and now she goes down at 8pm. I've started to figure out her routine, at least in the mornings. After 6:30 most of the time she'll go back to sleep until 8am. Then she's awake for an hour, naps for an hour, wakes for an hour, takes another hour nap and then it's the afternoon and depending on the day she either sleeps a lot or not at all. Either way she's always ready for bed by 8pm.

I started running again a few weeks ago and am loving it. Not only do I enjoy the running but I love how each time I feel less tired and can go further. I'm not at 177lbs. Still have 17lbs pre Lauren pregnancy and 27 pre Hailey to lose but I've lost 23lbs so far.

Here's a pic for the week

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