Friday, September 9, 2011

5 weeks

Yup apparently still slacking on blog writing. I can't believe how quickly time's going by. My baby will be 6 weeks on Tuesday!

As of Tuesday Lauren weighed 12.5 pounds.That means since birth she's gained over 4 pounds! I've nicknamed her my chunky monkey. We go for 2 walks a day at the moment and she LOVES them. I think she's going to be a nature girl since she loves being outside.

She's now started smiling. She's been doing this for nearly a week and today I had a complete melt my heart moment with her. A parcel arrived for Dan yesterday and since we weren't home we went to pick it up tonight. She was NOT very impressed about being in the car and cried the whole way there. I got into the back while Dan went inside and was talking to her and stroking her hair. She stopped crying, looked at me and gave me her biggest smile yet.

We're struggling a little bit with sleeping. She normally falls asleep for the night around 10-10:30. She's really good in the middle of the night and only wakes to feed, change and goes back to sleep quite quickly. the problem is that in the early morning she wakes with gas. From 5 or 6 (depending on the day) she'll start grunting and let out the occasional cry, which is heartbreaking to hear. Then after a bit of a struggle she'll pass gas and go back to sleep but she wakes up 5-10 minutes later and starts the whole process over. I have her 6 week check-up on Tuesday so I'll ask my GP for advice. It just makes me so sad listening to her struggle and in pain, it would also be nice to get the extra few hours of sleep since she does this for 2 hours!

Lauren on one of our  walks

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