Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is it happening again? *UPDATE*

I woke up this morning and when I went to the washroom I noticed a very small amount of blood when I wiped. I know spotting can be normal especially at the 4, 8 and 12 week marks (I think I was 8 weeks on Monday) as it can be your body getting used to the changes but it's still freaked me out. I didn't want to worry Daniel but he heard me say something in the washroom so I told him there was a little bit of blood. I tried to not act worried and after I drove him to work I stopped off at a clinic to ask for them to do HCG levels. Like I said with the miscarriage in August, I can handle miscarrying. As much as it sucks I'll get through it. The worst part is the waiting and wondering. He's ordered HCG levels every 3 days for 2 weeks (which is a little hard with the holidays as the lab is only open until 12:30 on the 24th and then opens again on the 28th.) Thankfully I had one done today and will see the results when I get home from work tonight, and will be able to do the same on the 24th and 28th. I don't really know what to look for in how quickly HCG levels rise, but I do know that they shouldn't drop and if you're miscarrying they would drop. I guess it's just another waiting game.

I'm trying to think positive since I haven't had anymore spotting since and that was over 2 hours ago but when I did the urine test at the clinic I overheard the receptionist tell the doctor that he'd have to do an HCG since the line was very faint on the test. I'm working the afternoon half shift so I leave in an hour but the test results will be up when I get home so I'll put them up in about 6.5 hours.

By the way..... Happy birthday to me tomorrow!!!!!! It really does always happen at the best possible times, with the last miscarriage being 5 days before Dan's birthday and Hailey's due date. The other frustrating thing is today was supposed to be the day of my ultrasound that had to be done early to rule out ectopic! We could've had the answer of wether or not there's a heartbeat in a few hours!!! Oh the irony!

Before I went to work I decided to fire up the doppler and....... I FOUND THE HEARTBEAT!!!!!! the rate varied a bit but was around 155 ish. I also haven't had any spotting since that one time this morning and my HCG levels are 110107 which puts me at the higher side of 8-9 weeks, so right on track. I'm optimistic that I may have overreacted this morning but I'm now so thankful for that doppler for letting me relax a bit today. I'm still going to keep doing the HCG every 2-3 days for the next 2 weeks just for the peace of mind, plus it'll give me a better idea of when I fall into the 10 week catagory as I now think I may actually be in the 9th week with the levels that high.

1 comment:

  1. saying prayers for you <3 God protect this sweet little one <3
