Friday, December 6, 2013

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Baby's size? Coconut

Weight gain: 
Starting Pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 191.5  Up  42.9 lbs 
Stretch marks? 
I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? Yup, L pants and XL shirts

Gender:  Not finding out
All the time
Sleep: Baby is now sitting on my bladder so I'm up at least once a night

Braxton Hicks
Food aversions: Nothing
Food cravings: 1% milk, mandarin oranges
Best moments this week: Starting meds
What I miss: Feeling normal
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms

This week everything seemed to fall into place. I got an appointment date to see my new OB, my short term disability was approved and I started on the anti anxiety meds. I'll go a little into each of these.

Overall it's been a good week for anxiety. It's still there and it still has a strong hold on most things I do but I've been able to control the panic attacks through breathing. When I feel myself getting worked up I take deep breaths and concentrate on my breathing. So far this has managed to calm me down enough. I started my meds on Wednesday morning. I talked to my doctor Monday and she said she'd researched over the weekend and zoloft looked like the best and safest option for pregnancy and breastfeeding. She asked me which pharmacy I wanted it faxed to. I went to pick up the prescription around 4:30 to start taking that night with dinner only to find the doctors office never faxed it in. When I got home there was a message from the receptionist telling me I had a prescription waiting for me at the office and I could come pick it up. Of course it was 5:02 when I got home and the office stops taking calls at 5. I know I've said this before but I really hate the receptionists at her office. My doctor is awesome and I love her but it all falls short with the receptionist. Tuesday morning I called and said that I'd spoken to the doctor and it was supposed to be faxed to the pharmacy so could they please do that as I wasn't going to have a car within office hours until Thursday to come pick it up. They did and I picked up the prescription that night. I decided to take it in the mornings instead of at dinner just because I already take my iron and prenatal's at night so I thought it would be easier to space them out. I'm not one to forget to take pills so it's not a big deal taking stuff twice a day, at least not now, we'll see once the baby comes! I also had my appointment with the psychiatrist Thursday. It went well. She agreed that my doctor had chosen the best medication and suggested that if I don't notice a difference in the next 2 weeks with anxiety or sleep to up the dosage from 25mg to 50 mg and stay on that until the baby is born then adjust if needed. My doctor only did the prescription for 30 days so I'll go back and see her at the end of december and decide what to do from there.  I'm feeling better about being on this medication. If I have to be on anything it makes me feel better knowing that I'm on the safest possible and that I can breastfeed while on it.

I'm looking forward to seeing the OB this coming Thursday. It doesn't sound like she'll have my file at that point and it seems to be more of a meet and greet but that's fine. Really all they do at 35 weeks is check bp, urine, measure tummy and check the heart beat anyway so it's not that big of a deal if she doesn't have my file. I'll ask all my questions when I see her for my 36 week appointment when I assume she'll do the group b swab.

I'm so happy to finally have less stress about my short term disability claim. I still haven't received any paperwork but I called Tuesday afternoon and spoke to someone. She said my claim had been approved and that I should've received my first payment on the 29th but sometimes the first one can be delayed waiting for it to clear. Sure enough it came into my account the next morning! It's such a relief and at the moment it still covers the mortgage payments. The only issue is that my claim was only approved until December 27th. I couldn't figure this out and my boss even called to ask what was going on and if I was planning to come back to work for 2 weeks. I was going to wait for the paperwork to come in the mail and see if there was an explanation on it but I think I figured it out last night. The primary diagnosis was threatened pre term labour. The std coverage stops when I hit 38 weeks, if I go into labour it'll no longer be pre term. I now have to decide what I want to do after that point. Ideally I want to start my maternity leave on the 13th. Which is originally what I had put down but of course that all changes if I have the baby before my due date. I'll have to call them closer to the return to work date and see what I need to do to add those extra 2 weeks. Does my OB need to refill out the forms or just write a letter saying the secondary diagnosis (anxiety) is now the primary diagnosis and I will be off for the extra 2 weeks until my maternity leave starts on my due date or I may just decide to screw it and start my mat leave 2 weeks early which really cuts into the time I get with the baby. Hopefully this baby will come a little early and I won't need to worry about that!

Pregnancy wise everything is good. The baby still puts a knee and feet out my lower side so I have a suspicion it's still breech. A couple times I've waken up to the baby kicking the top part of my stomach but by the afternoon I've felt it turn back and the kicks are low down again. Maybe a c section at 39 weeks? As much I'd rather not have one I'm ok with it as long as they tie my tubes at the same time!!

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