Thursday, December 19, 2013

37 weeks FULL TERM!!!!!!

How far along? 37 weeks
Baby's size? Winter melon

Weight gain: 
Starting Pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 197.2  Up  48.6 lbs 
Stretch marks? 
I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? Yup, L pants and XL shirts

Gender:  Not finding out
All the time
Sleep: Baby is now sitting on my bladder so I'm up at least once a night

Braxton Hicks, sometimes painful and more frequent, heartburn
Food aversions: Nothing
Food cravings: Kraft dinner
Best moments this week: hearing baby is still heart healthy
What I miss: Feeling normal
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms, massage tomorrow!!!

I had an ultrasound on Tuesday. We thought the baby was breech and she wanted to check the growth as I was measuring 34 weeks at the last appointment. The appointment was at 8am at the hospital and of course 11pm I felt the baby turn and start kicking my up high so I knew it was no longer breech!!! They also checked the heart and as far as they can tell the baby is still heart healthy. He had some trouble getting a view of the 4 chambers and when I explained that this was the most important view for us he tried harder and showed me a picture of what he thought was 4 chambers, which from experience I know was. The only issue with the ultrasound was that I was supposed to be 36 weeks 3 days and the baby was measuring 34 weeks 2 days and weighing only 4 lbs 12 oz. I spoke to the OB the next day and she said it's still within "normal" range and nothing to worry about at this point but we'll keep an eye on my stomach growth. 

I feel like I know why the baby hasn't grown as fast as my others. The anxiety. The baby was spot on the Jan. 12 due date at my 21 week ultrasound/echo so it's only been the last 16 weeks the growth has slowed which is when the anxiety really picked up. This is one of the reasons my doctors pushed me to go on meds. It was better for the baby and anxiety can cause low birth weight etc. No one wants to come out and tell me this is likely the reason, I assume in fear I'll feel guilty and I would've 4 weeks ago. This is how I know the meds are working. Honestly the way I'm looking at it is that I didn't know. If I'd known I would've started them earlier. I can't change what's already happened all I know is that now I'm doing what's best for myself and the baby. The baby is healthy other then on the smaller side and that's all that matter. It just means I may get some use out of the newborn clothes Lauren fit into for a week!

My braxton hicks have really picked up the past couple days. Occasionally they're painful and move to my back. In fact I've had 4 in the last 40 minutes. I get hopeful that this baby will come soon but then I think about how our lives will change and how this will be my past pregnancy and start to try to enjoy the movements more. I've given into that likelihood that this baby will most likely need to be induced, which by the way will be no later then January 22. Nearly 1 month until I know for certain I will no longer be pregnant and will get to hold this last piece of our family puzzle in my arms.

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