Thursday, September 12, 2013

23/24 weeks

How far along? 23/24 weeks
Baby's size? grapefruit/ canteloupe 
Weight gain: starting pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 167.6 up 19lbs gained .2 this week
Stretch marks? I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? Yup definitely. 
Gender: Don't think we'll find out but I think it's a boy.
Movement: All the time! This baby moves around a lot!!!
Sleep: I rarely sleep at the moment
Symptoms: Nothing other then my boobs are HUGE I'm going to have to use my nursing bras soon.

Food aversions:I haven't felt like eating much
Food cravings: frozen blueberries
Best moments this week: Nothing really
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I'm looking forward to: Mondays doctors appointment

I'm almost a week into starting my anti depressants. While I'm not physically feeling any better I am a little emotionally. The meds themselves haven't caused this, it's because I feel like I'm heading in the right direction to feeling better and getting help. This alone has made me start to feel better. I still have bad moments but I can talk myself out of them knowing they aren't going to last forever and hopefully much longer. 
I've really tried eating more this week. Last weeks nearly 1.5 lb weight loss made me realize I need to pay more attention to my eating habits until I'm feeling better. 

I have my doctors appointment Monday and have so much to talk about. Here's the list I can think of at the moment:

-Switching anti depressants to something breastfeeding friendly
-talking about what exactly the clot covering my cervix means ie. if my water breaks, bleeding etc
- glucose tolerance test

I think that's it?

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