Thursday, October 4, 2012

Plans for baby number 3

I'm back! I thought it was time to come back to blogging although I won't be writing as often as I did while ttc #2 (aka Lauren!) Here's where we're at with trying for baby #3.

I'm currently on day 4 of a new cycle. We've just decided that we'll stop preventing (using condoms.) We won't start actually "trying" to conceive until January. We've decided to let whatever happens happen because I've come to realize that there really isn't a very good time. Ideally I would like to not have another summer baby and therefore would prefer to not get pregnant in October or November, however if I hadn't gotten pregnant 2 years ago this month we wouldn't have Lauren so as much as a full term summer sucks, it's worth it in the end. I've also signed up for a half marathon in mid November. Although there's a possibility I could be pregnant at that time I've decided we'll deal with that if it happens. Likely it would mean I'd run 5k, walk 1k and repeat. My goal isn't time, just to finish so if it takes me longer I'm ok with that.

I don't really hold high hopes of getting pregnant these next few months. Not just because we aren't trying but because my cycle has been off. Here's the list of periods I've had since Lauren (Aug. 2011)
Feb 4,2012
July 18
August 31

As you can see my cycles haven't exactly been consistent which is really frustrating for me. I'm hoping by January I'll go back to my normal 28 day cycle. If I hadn't gotten my period by the end of this week I was going to go talk to my doctor about going on birth control to regulate my cycle so we could start trying in January. Thankfully it seems to finally be starting to do so on it's own. I think having that perfect 28 day cycle made it easy for us to get pregnant. I knew when I ovulated so I knew when I was most fertile. At the moment I have no clue which is ok because we aren't going to "time" when we have sex anyway. I never really understood how people can say they aren't trying to get pregnant but they weren't preventing. Now I get it. While ideally I'd like to wait a few months to get pregnant, we would be happy if it happened now and I don't feel the need to wait. If it's meant to be it will be.

I'll do an update on what's new Lauren soon. So much to tell you!!!!!

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