Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I know I haven't been gone that long but I can't believe how much has changed. Here's an update on what we've been up to:

- She now has 10 teeth (3 molars). The bottom one was the hardest coming in but she's such an awesome teether that she was only a little irritable for a day or 2. The other bottom one we're still waiting for.

-She's started potty training herself! It started off with letting us know when she needed to poo. You can always tell from the look on her face so we'd take her to the potty and she started being interested in following us into the bathroom. She's now nowhere near 100% potty trained, probably not even 50% but she does let us know when she's peeing (she'll grab herself and say "pee!") or if she says "pee pee" we know that there's time to take her to the potty. She doesn't have different words for if she has to poo or pee so it's always a surprise what will happen after she sits on the potty :)

- We've converted her crib to a toddler bed and she's loving it! She happily climbs into bed, we read a book and she drinks her bottle and falls asleep.

-She's a little sponge at the moment. We were reading 5 little monkeys and she kept putting her hand to her head whenever I got to the part where the monkey bumps his head. So I said "Lauren, where's your head?" and she grabbed her head. She now knows where her head, hands, feet, toe, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth are. I can't believe how quickly she's picking things up and she now knows too many words to remember them all. Today she started saying "Oh man" after I said it when she dropped something.

I've been maintaining my weight (140lbs). I have to admit going back to work it's been a little harder but I ride my bike or walk to work most days so I'm still getting some exercise in. I'm counting my calories through the livestrong website.

Work has been going well. Nothing's really new and I'm happy in my job. There's a chance I may end up being offered a full time position. I'm not really sure what we'll do if that happens. They recently changed how you get jobs within the company. It used to be that it was offered throughout the lab first before it was posted company wide which meant that if you had a part time position within the lab you'd be next in line for a full time. Now it's strictly based on who's been with the company the longest.  The loophole for me being potentially offered fulltime is that they're extending the hours which means they may want to eliminate my part time shift or add an extra full time person. I'm not sure what we'd do though because at the moment we have free childcare with my parents. I don't know if they'd want to look after her full time and it's not worth the cost of childcare ($600+/month) for an extra 10 hours of pay a week. Actually I just did the math and it would work out to be $944/month before taxes. It seems like it would even out so what's the point. I'd rather have my child looked after by family and get to spend the afternoons with her then have her in childcare. They're hoping to start the new hours in January so I should know soon enough what their plans are.

I'm still training for my half marathon. I'm up to 17k at the moment. I'm nowhere near as motivated as I should be so I only run once a week (lately it's been biweekly.) I'm amazed at how my body can handle the run after a 2 week break. Only 1 month to go before the half marathon so I'm going to have to really push to run once a week now. The best part is that I don't stop at all! I was expecting to walk at some point during the run but so far I don't need to.

There really isn't much new with him. He hates his work at the moment and has started to look for another job. I'm ok with him changes jobs as long as he has something lined up that pays close to what he gets now.

He's going to be an uncle! I'm sure I mentioned this  before but just in case Dan's twin brother's wife is pregnant (due February) and they recently found out they'll be having a boy. We're going to be in Australia during February so Lauren will get to meet her first cousin. I'm really excited and very relieved to hear that after the 20 weeks scan it looks like the baby is healthy.

Now for some pics of Lauren:

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