Saturday, September 8, 2012

Another HLHS angel

I know I said I wouldn't write for a while but I just saw something and feel like I need to write it down.
When we found out about Hailey I reached out to the heart mum's community and had some great talks with a mother in Canada. I won't go into too much detail but their story gave me hope. At 2 years old their son was thriving with his HLHS although he still had one more surgery to go. After losing Hailey we grew apart and eventually lost contact. Here's part of one of my messages to her:

"It was really great to look at your pictures and see what to expect after the first surgery (assuming all goes well) and for my husband to see that some babies do turn out ok and do well."

I've just gone through my facebook messages deleting most (I still can't seem to delete ones about Hailey as I irrationally feel that doing so is deleting part of her and our past.) I saw my messages from her and checked out her profile to see how things were going.

At first I was excited to see 2 little hands as I assume this means they've gone on to have another child but when I went to the next picture I was shocked and saddened to see a memorial for their son. Because I'm not "friends" with them I don't know what happened but it's really hit me hard. I never met him or them yet for some reason I'm really upset. I think it's because this boy was supposed to be my hope. My hope that everything could've been ok with Hailey and I'm devastated for them.

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