Saturday, April 7, 2012

8 months

Weight: 20lbs 10 oz
Length: 71cm (28.5 in)

- Said her first word. I never knew when to count her first word. She says mum and nana and recently dada a lot but never looks at us when saying it so I think it was just words she picked up. To me your first word is when you associate that word correctly. She said mama with outreached arms toward me on the day she turned 7 months.

- Had her first swim. Lauren absolutely loves the pool. I was nervous about putting her head underwater but she doesn't cry when I do it like I see a lot of other babies at the pool doing. I think she's a bit of a water baby.

-First tooth! It poked through on the 20th (or at least that's when I noticed) I think she's also getting #2 in.

- Went to her first hockey game. Dan's work bought tickets for everyone and their families. We had a good time. I wanted to leave Lauren at home but Dan thought we should bring her. She had a nap in the 2nd period missing 2 goals which I'm surprised the loud noises didn't wake her and happily watched the game or people around her the rest of the time.

- She is so very close to crawling! Overnight she started getting from sitting to crawling position and the past few days can now get back to sitting position. The problem she has is that she panics and lets her legs slide out so she lays on her stomach. This is really frustrating to watch because she can't get from lying to sitting on her own. 

-Lauren loves to walk EVERYWHERE. If you try to sit her down and she doesn't want to it's impossible. She'll go stiff so you can't bend her and she'll get really mad and cranky if she wants to stand/walk and no one will take her around. I'm hoping (and so is my back!) when she learns to crawl and can get around a little better the demand to walk will be less.

-She had her second cold. It was more of a sinus cold but it was pretty bad and she had trouble sleeping and breathing. She spent a few nights in our bed, in fact the first 2 were spent sitting up as it was the only way she could breath. Unfortunately she got a little too used to sleeping in our bed and we're struggling with getting her to sleep in her crib at night (7 times she woke up last night!) It was worth it though. It was really scary to hear her wake up gasping for air because she'd stopped breathing.

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