Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8 weeks

Weight: 13.6lbs

Well since I posted yesterday there's not much to add. I guess I'll just talk about our journey with cloth diapers. We used disposables for the first 2 weeks. I wasn't too sure what to do with the cord and then I wasn't sure if she'd fit in the diapers since they're all one size. I absolutely LOVE them. Everyone thought it wouldn't take long for me to not like having to clean them and deal with the poo but it's not a big deal with the washing and honestly there's not much difference in wrapping up the diaper to throw away and taking it apart and putting it in a bag. What we have decided is that we like the velcro a lot better then the snaps. We started off with 12 bum genius 4 (velcro) and 12 charlie banana (snaps).

Lauren pee's ALOT. Sometimes I'm not even sure how she could possibly fit that much liquid into her tiny body. The problem with this is that the diapers have started leaking. The charlie banana diapers leak during the day and the bum genius leak at night now that she sleeps 5-6 hours. I've ordered some hemp inserts online to use as boosters but they had to be ordered by the seller so I've still got about a week to wait for them. I also ordered 6 new diapers (rumparooz) which I think I like the best although I've only used them for a week. At the moment we're using disposables at night (and sometimes those leak as well) and bum genius/rumparooz during the day.
So Dan and I agree.......we both prefer cloth.

Well bed time.
Oh and since I forgot to put a pic up yesterday of Lauren at 7 weeks I'll add 2 this week :)

Relaxing in mum and dad's bed
Good thing I tried on her halloween costume...don't think it'll fit in 5 weeks :(

Monday, September 26, 2011

7 weeks

I'm sorry I haven't done her height or weight this week and since tomorrow she's 8 weeks there's no point getting it now.

We've both had a cold this week. By we I of course me Lauren and myself. For some reason Daniel very rarely gets sick. At the moment I love looking back at Lauren just after she was born. It's hard to believe how much she's grown already. I was looking at her this afternoon and mentioned to Dan that it felt like she'd gotten bigger from this morning (if that's possible!) She's also now going 5 hours at night between feeds. She eats at 8:30/9pm and then wakes up around 2am then it's back to 3 hours in between. We've tried really hard to keep a bedtime routine. We give her a bottle at 9 and then it's straight into the bassinet after she burps. Normally she's asleep by 10.

Dan and I had that conversation I've been dreading. Basically who would care for Lauren if anything should happen. Dan said that his mum has been bugging him to go and get it legal because she says that if anything were to happen to us then she'd never see Lauren again. Her saying this infuriates me. One thing I've realized about Dan's mum is she's VERY dramatic. Also if she really felt this way then you'd think she'd of put in at least a LITTLE bit of effort to be friendly or even talk to my mum while she was out visiting.

It makes me angry because my mum would NEVER keep Lauren from Dan's parents. My mum would never keep Lauren from any family member unless she felt they were a danger to Lauren and it makes me mad that Dan's mum would imply that she would. I think my parents have shown they can put their feelings aside for what's best for children considering my parents divorced when I was 3 yet they still took us on family holidays.
Well I'm going to get back to watching the Canada/Japan rugby game.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

6 weeks

Weight: 12.6 lbs
Height: 22.5"

I'm pretty sure the height in wrong. She asked me to hold the tape at her head and I thought I was pulling Lauren's hair so I was moving to try not to. Oops! But the weight is correct. She's in the 95th percentile! Lauren's smiling a lot more now although you still have to try hard to get it out of her. She's very much been cuddly this week and I found out why yesterday. We're sick! Lauren's slept quite a bit the past few days and yesterday I started to get a sore throat and over the day it turned into a nice cold. Lauren started to get stuffed up and coughing at around 1am this morning. I feel so bad for her. She doesn't whine but just lays there struggling to breath. I'm hoping she'll realize she can open her mouth and life gets a bit easier for her.

Yesterday my family had a baby shower for her. My mum decided to dress her up, but even though the dress was 3-6 months it looked more like a shirt on her then dress. Here's my fav pics this week.
She still loves her swing!
All dressed up and not feeling well

Friday, September 9, 2011

5 weeks

Yup apparently still slacking on blog writing. I can't believe how quickly time's going by. My baby will be 6 weeks on Tuesday!

As of Tuesday Lauren weighed 12.5 pounds.That means since birth she's gained over 4 pounds! I've nicknamed her my chunky monkey. We go for 2 walks a day at the moment and she LOVES them. I think she's going to be a nature girl since she loves being outside.

She's now started smiling. She's been doing this for nearly a week and today I had a complete melt my heart moment with her. A parcel arrived for Dan yesterday and since we weren't home we went to pick it up tonight. She was NOT very impressed about being in the car and cried the whole way there. I got into the back while Dan went inside and was talking to her and stroking her hair. She stopped crying, looked at me and gave me her biggest smile yet.

We're struggling a little bit with sleeping. She normally falls asleep for the night around 10-10:30. She's really good in the middle of the night and only wakes to feed, change and goes back to sleep quite quickly. the problem is that in the early morning she wakes with gas. From 5 or 6 (depending on the day) she'll start grunting and let out the occasional cry, which is heartbreaking to hear. Then after a bit of a struggle she'll pass gas and go back to sleep but she wakes up 5-10 minutes later and starts the whole process over. I have her 6 week check-up on Tuesday so I'll ask my GP for advice. It just makes me so sad listening to her struggle and in pain, it would also be nice to get the extra few hours of sleep since she does this for 2 hours!

Lauren on one of our  walks