Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Morning of tests

It was a busy morning for me. Today and Sunday are my days off this week since I switched with a friend to have last Saturday off for my sister's bridal shower. My OB asked for me to do the gestational diabetes screen sometime the week before I see him and since my appointment is next Wednesday and I start work before 7:30 every other day this week and next it's the only time I could do it. So on my one day to sleep in this week I got to get up at 6:15 to head to the lab for to sit around for 2 hours. Thankfully since I work there I got in right away and sat in the staff room reading and chatting. I'd worked out the morning perfectly. Get the test started at 6:30 so I'd be out of there for 8:40. Then drink the water, stop off to get breakfast and head to my ultrasound at the hospital for 9am. Although my appointment was for 9:30 they ask that you're there 30 minutes earlier incase there's a lot of walk ins and you have to wait to be checked in. It was only my second time but it actually seems like they get you in sooner. Today she called us in before 9:15. My mum came with me and they let her in the room the whole time.

The ultrasound tech got all the measurements and checked the fluid level then said she had to watch to see if the baby was making breathing motions. She watched for about 15 minutes and I don't think it did. I said to my mum I didn't know if I should've been hoping the baby would or not..... I know last time the baby opened and closed it's mouth to get amniotic fluid but are they supposed to practice breathing at 24 weeks? I'm assuming they are since she literally stared at the screen for 15 minutes watching the chest. Oh well they'll check again in another 2 weeks. Maybe the baby was just being lazy. She said my placenta was at the back which I'm also assuming means I don't have placenta previa like they thought last time.

She really freaked me out though. Once we were done the ultrasound she said she was going to go check that she had all the images she needed and I could use the toilet then come back and wait. Well she took over 10 minutes. It was like deja vu. This is exactly what the girl said during Hailey's ultrasound and came back in with the radiographer saying they were going to refer me to the hospital for more tests. That ultrasound with Hailey was with my mum too. Every other one has either been just me, me and Dan or me, Dan and my mum. While we were sitting there waiting I said "I swear if she walks in the room with a second person you're not allowed to come to another ultrasound on your own!" Good news is she walked in and said we could go.  I think I've mentioned before that my ultrasounds are dating exactly 1 week behind? Well it's the same this time and she told me that everything looks good and the measurement is actually from the baby's head size. She said not to worry though it's only a week and they're not concerned unless it's 4-5 weeks behind. She said it's just likely the baby has a small head (which is fine by me since I'm planning for a natural, no med birth!)

I realized something yesterday...... July is only 3 months away!
Oh and in other good news I got a temporary position at a lab. It works out really well. It's full days so no more 5 hour shifts and I work 4 days a week (plus every second Sat.) and get Wednesday off. I think this will be great. If I'm working 8 hour days it'll be nice to work 2 days, have 1 off then work 2 more. Can't wait for it to start in a couple weeks. The girl is on short term waiting to get a date for her eye surgery so it should last until I go off on Mat leave. Hopefully having that day rest in between means that I can work closer to my due date now too.

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