Sunday, April 10, 2011

25 weeks

How far along? 25 weeks 
Baby's size? Papaya
Total Weight Gain: will have to weigh myself tomorrow

Bellybutton:  In although not as deep as it was.
Stretchmarks: The colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: My stomach moves when the baby kicks hard enough.
Sleep: Not too bad

Symptoms: I pee A LOT!
Food Aversions: Not really liking red meat.
Food Cravings: Candy
Best Moments this week: Ultrasound
What I miss: My old body
What I am Looking forward to: OB appointment on Weds

This month has gone well so far. I thought it would be a hard month and although it is, it's not as bad as I expected. It's still really hard to think about what was going on last year at this time and I still think of Hailey every day and miss her. It's a little sad to think a year has nearly passed since I last held her.

Our friends who had a baby 2 weeks ago came over for dinner and on the way home were in a car accident (not their fault.) We picked them up after they were released from the hospital and drove them home. Luckily we'd already bought a car seat so we used ours for their baby. We bought a 3 in 1. I don't like keeping a the baby in the carrier ones and I find babies look so awkward in them so I wanted one that would stay in the car and use a baby bjorn to carry the baby around. Although we have a medium sized car this seat just doesn't work in it's rear facing position. I had to have the front seat as far forward as it would go and there wasn't really much leg room. So we'll have to give in and buy an infant carrier that I'll probably only use in the car. At least we can still use the seat for toddler age. I'm glad we've found this out now.

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