Saturday, April 16, 2011

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks 
Baby's size? Eggplant
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs.... 186 lbs now. I only gained 1 pound in 2 weeks!

Bellybutton:  In although not as deep as it was...
Stretchmarks: my hips.....and I noticed a new one heading toward my stomach :(
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Lots!
Sleep: Pretty good
Symptoms: Finally enjoying the second trimester
Food Aversions: Not really into red meat at the moment
Food Cravings: Salad. Probably why I only gained a pound while not craving candy anymore!
Best Moments this week: Some of the kicks make me jump! The baby is getting so strong :)
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: I have my next ultrasound at the hospital this Thursday

I've been fighting a cold this week. I'm starting to feel much better, now I just wish I could clear my sinus. I had an appointment with my OB on Wednesday and he gave me a prescription for iron since my ferritin was on the low side. I've since managed to lose it. I'm sure I've put it somewhere that I thought I'd remember to take it to the pharmacy but it's disappeared! I have another appointment in 2 weeks so I'll get another one if I haven't found it yet. 

I picked up my bridesmaid dress on Thursday. I never realized how much my boobs have grown until I tried it on. We ordered the dresses 7 months ago just as we were going to start trying to get pregnant so I bought it 2 sizes too big. Yup tight at the boobs. Need to get it taken out but the good thing is my belly fits just about right. It's still a little loose which means it should be perfect in another 4 weeks. Really looking forward to getting a week holidays (although it'll be spent getting things ready for my sister's wedding.) 3 more weeks of work then I go back for another 7ish weeks then off for a year!!!!!! 
Here's a pic of me in the dress.....I feel HUGE in it! Good thing I know my sister will look amazing and no one will look at me next to her :)

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