Friday, October 22, 2010

To get the flu shot or not to......

Well it's flu season and the occupational health nurse will be around next week to give us our annual flu shots. I went through this dilemma last year.  She came around in November (when we conceived Hailey) and I said no to the H1N1 but I got the flu shot. It all just freaks me out a little bit because they don't know what causes HLHS and while lots of pregnant women get the flu shot I don't know if it's worth taking the risk. I talked to my husband this morning about it and I think we've decided I'll get the flu shot but ask for the one without mercury. Although it doesn't look like mercury affects heart growth, with the uncertainty of Hailey's brain development I don't want to take the chance for that reason either.  The crappy thing is because I work with sick people I have to sign a form saying if I do get sick I won't be covered for time off, which I guess doesn't really matter since I've used most of my sick days for hospital appointments with both pregnancies.

On another note I'm happy to say that we have decided to start trying this month.  I HATE the waiting game and have always been frustrated with the lack of control in the whole baby making process. I'm a planner and this past year has been frustrating not just because of how things turned out with Hailey but also the lack of being in control. It's been a tough lesson for me. Patience is also not my forte! I just have to keep reminding myself if it takes 6 months to a year for us to get pregnant and have a healthy baby then it's worth the wait. It'll suck and the waiting will torture me but I don't want to go through what we have these past 7 months again, so if I have to be patient I will.

I also weighed myself this morning and I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight!!!!!!! I should add that although I've lost the weight it seems to be in different areas since I still can't fit comfortably into my pants and have been forced to continue to wear maternity (I refuse to give in and buy a bigger size.) However I am VERY close and can fit into my scrubs which are still a little tight for my liking. Hoping to gain it all back again over the next year!

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