Monday, October 18, 2010

possibly trying again

I started a new cycle friday night. After Hailey we were told to wait 2 cycles and I'm sure I've said this before but Dan and I disagree on what this means. (I think after you start your third period while Dan says after your second since you had to have a cycle to get to your first.) So since this is my second after the miscarriage we are contemplating starting to try again this month. There's a problem though. When my sister got engaged she asked me not to be too pregnant for her wedding since I'm the maid of honour. I promised her I wouldn't be more then in my 6th month (which means start trying in November.) Is it really selfish of me to start trying a month early? Assuming it works first try I'd be 30+1 weeks for the wedding instead of 26. Is there really a huge difference in belly size at that point anyway? Also my cousin who will be a bridesmaid is trying to get pregnant and will be trying this month again. It's hard to explain how I feel about wanting to get pregnant. Before we got pregnant with Hailey I probably would've thought what's another month, we can wait. Now I just think what if October is our month to get pregnant and have a healthy baby?

I don't even know if I'm ready. I get a little panicky when I think about being pregnant again but at the same time I want it so much. Not just having a baby at the end but I really miss being pregnant. As much as I hated the first 13 weeks since I was so sick with Hailey I miss it. I miss knowing there's someone growing inside of me. The other issue weighing me down is thinking of this time last year. My cycle is 1 day out what it was last year. We started trying in October to get pregnant with Hailey and it makes me sad to think here we are a full year later with no baby. I also worry that I might not try next month. I don't know if I have it in me to chance having the due date 1 day off of Hailey's. Also all the appointments would be roughly the same time frame just a year difference. Then I go back to what if November is our month to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

It's all so frustrating and confusing :(


  1. I think you should start trying if that's what you really want. In my opinion, it's sort of selfish of your sister to not want you to be pregnant. It's your life so you should be able to have a baby when YOU feel the time is right.
    It too my husband and I almost 6 months to get pregnant again so if you feel you're ready, I say go for it! I'm sure everything will fall into place and if you're meant to get pregnant now, then you will.
    I don't know if I told you before, but I recommend taking around 1600 mcgs of folic acid before you start trying and continuing it throughout the pregnancy. It helps prevent birth defects as well as miscarriages. I'll be thinking about you! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the advice :) I started taking prenatal vitamins nearly a year before we got pregnant. I assumed that since it was prenatal vitamins it would have the recommended amount but looking at the bottle now it's only 1000 mcgs of folic acid. Thanks, will look into this further. Glad your pregnancy is going well.
