Friday, October 18, 2013

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Baby's size? Eggplant
Weight gain: 
Starting Pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 178.6 (I'm pretty sure that scale can't be right or I've gained nearly 6lbs in a week!)
Stretch marks? 
I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? 
Yup, definitely
Gender:  Not finding out
All the time
Getting better. I still wake up a few times throughout the night but it takes me less time to fall back asleep.
Nothing really
Food aversions: Nothing
Food cravings: Nothing
Best moments this week: Just normal feeling baby move
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I'm looking forward to: Continuing with the group

I had my doctor's appointment Tuesday at the maternity clinic. She confirmed the pain in my uppper left stomach was muscular and there's nothing we can do about it. It was a pretty uneventful appointment. The only issue is that I'm measuring 26 weeks. Not a big deal if I was supposed to be 27 weeks at the time. I'm trying not to focus on this but it doesn't leave me feeling very good. Although I've given in to the whole due date thing and am going with what the doctors tell me it still plays on my mind. It is 100% impossible to get a positive pregnancy test 2 days after I ovulate. I worry that something's wrong with the baby and that's why the dates are off but I'm trying not to focus on this. I told Dan that I'm just going to give in and assume that I'm some wierd freak of nature. Maybe I had a super rare superfetation (I ovulated a second time after already being pregnant but lost the first baby) that's the only thing I can think of at this point. I'm trying really hard not to google what measuring 2 weeks behind your due date means. Hopefully it's just because this baby is sitting REALLY low so it's not stretching out my uterus as much as "normal".

The perinatal depression group is going well. I'm doing well, besides getting a cold. Ugh I hate colds while pregnant. Currently drinking hot water, lemon and honey. 

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