Friday, September 24, 2010

One of those days

I've had a pretty good week so far. I got a copy of the autopsy and it pretty much gives no answers about the brain weight. The only reason they suspect a typo is they can't find a reason for the weight difference. The weight was 32g and average is around 73g(+/- 11g.)  It was fully formed and the right length/width. Who knows, I've given up trying to figure it out.

Today while driving home from work I had this urge to go the cemetery where we scattered Hailey's ashes. These strong urges always freak me out. I got the feeling like there is some reason I'm being pulled in this direction and just have to trust it. Nothing unusual happened though. I cried and told her how much I love her and missed her and wished she could be with me. I told my grandfather how much I love him and to take care of her. Maybe it's just paranoia but I've never had that strong of a feeling to do anything before. I wonder if something bad would've happened if I'd continued to drive home. I'm home safe and sound now though.
So happy it's the weekend. I think I'm getting a cold so looking forward to sitting around relaxing after going wedding dress shopping with my sister in the morning.

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