Saturday, August 11, 2012

1 year

Weight: 22.9 lbs
Height: 76.4 cm (30 in)
My baby is 1!
Lauren had her first birthday last Thursday. My mum had a party for her the weekend before and we had a pretty low key day on August 2nd.  Dan and I didn't really want to do anything for her first birthday. She's not going to remember it and we feel like the party is more for the parents then the child but my mum wanted to do it so we let her plan and do the party she wanted. Lauren seemed to have a good time. She had her first piece of cake (vanilla with custard) and didn't like it at all. She did enjoy playing with the icing but none of it went into her mouth after that first bite. On her birthday my dad came over for dinner and brought ice cream cake. She liked this cake much better! Here's some pics of Lauren and the cakes.

Lauren's doing great with my going back to work. My parents are taking turns watching her while I'm at work and it's been going really well. As far as I know she doesn't cry when Dan leaves for work at all and she's happy when I come home. Lauren's sleeping has improved and she now only wakes up once a night. The weaning's been going pretty good too. We're now down to 2.5 oz of pumped milk and 5.5 oz of homo milk. Next week it'll be 2 and 6 and so on. She still breast feeds to sleep and during the middle of the night. I haven't figured out how to drop these feeds yet but oh well, we'll deal with this when it becomes an issue.

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