Wednesday, May 2, 2012

9 months

Weight: 21 lbs
Height: 71.5cm

-Lauren went on her first hike! I bought a carrier online from a buy and sell for $20. The hike was 10k return and took about 2 hours with a nice break at the lake. She loved it and was well worth the $20!

-She still loves standing. She can now pull herself up and walk along the couch. This has given me a bit more freedom because I've made a little walkway for her so she can get around safely and play with her toys. I really feel like it won't be long before she's walking on her own. I see her wanting to let go but she doesn't have the courage. She can stand on her own for about 15 seconds if I distract her otherwise she just calmly sits herself down. If I'm walking around with her it's now one handed.

-Lauren loves "helping" with laundry. If there's something I need to get done in another room I just put a laundry basket full of clothes in from of her. 

-She enjoys chewing on meat. I've found out she gets this from Daniel. Apparently Dan used to chew his steak until all the flavour was gone then spit it out. Lauren doesn't go quite that far but she does enjoy chewing it and occasionally will eat some of it.

-This is how she sits in her chair, even with the top on she'll place her foot between the 2.

-Lauren's second tooth came through on Wednesday (25th). I was wondering last time if it was teething that made her so upset or the cold that arrived the day later. Well it must of been the cold because she was her normal self for the most part.

Lauren got her 3rd(?) cold. This is her 2nd cold in a month but I think it's from going to the community drop in. It's just a bunch of babies that sit around a pile of toys, chew on them and pass them on to be chewed on by another baby. Oh well. It's not too bad and hopefully she'll be less sickly when she starts school (yes I'm already looking that far ahead!)

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