Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lauren's quirks

I thought I'd write about some of the things Lauren does:

1-She won't look at you unless she wants to. You can try everything to get her attention and she'll look everywhere except at you. Then when you turn your attention elsewhere she'll stare at you until you look at her then she quickly turns her head

2- She spits her soother out when she's ready to fall asleep. She'll suck on her soother and after her eyes close she pushes it out with her tongue. This has caused some long evenings depending on where the soother falls. It wakes her up sometimes and we have to start the whole process of getting to sleep again

3- Lauren HATES sleeping. Well she hates falling asleep. She'll scream and kick and all you can do is hold her tight and keep trying to get the soother in. As soon as she starts sucking on it her eyes start to close. Sometimes she'll realize she's falling asleep and start screaming and kicking again.

4- She could be sound asleep in your arms and not wake up when you put her down but 5 minutes later she'll be WIDE awake. It's like she has these quick power naps so she doesn't have to miss what's going on.

5- She's quite happy just staring off at things. This is true especially if we are out somewhere. Rarely does she cry or make a noise when out in public. She's too busy taking it all in. She's the same way in her crib after a nap. I rarely go in because she's crying, instead because I can hear her making noises or sucking her fist (which makes me cringe!)

6- She sticks her tongue out at my grandma. I don't how this started and but every time she sees my grandmother instead of smiling she sticks her tongue out at her. She only does this to her and we have no idea why.

7- She only tries to roll over during diaper changes.

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