Saturday, February 1, 2014

6 weeks

Wow, I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since we welcomed Jack to the family.

I weighed Jack Tuesday and he weighs 9.3 lbs. He's putting on weight really well and although I haven't measured him recently he most be growing too since he's doesn't look very chunky. I just realized I've yet to post of picture of Jack. His features have definitely changed these last 6 weeks. When he was born he looked more like me but now he looks just like Dan when he was a baby. He's still in newborn clothes but he's keeping on track with Lauren weight wise. At 6 weeks Lauren was 12.6lbs (gained 4.4 since birth) and Jack has gained 4.2 lbs.
He's still a good sleeper. We've been co sleeping mainly and Dan is not in bed with us so we get a queen size bed to ourselves. He still wakes to feed and goes back to sleep. His main awake periods are from 7-10am and 5-8pm. These work out really well with how great he sleeps. He's definitely going through a 6 month growth spurt. He's been waking every 2 hours to eat lately and thankfully the past 2 nights he's had one 4 hour stretch in there too. I wasn't producing enough milk for this growth spurt so thankfully we have a decent supply I pumped throughout these past weeks. I also made lactation cookies Wednesday and started drinking a glass of Guiness a night. My milk supply has increase but we're still supplementing in the evenings with pumped breast milk as well. We aren't needing to use the frozen milk because I have extra in the mornings now since eating the cookies and beer so I manage to pump 3 oz from the opposite side to what I do his first morning feed and give that in the evening. Hopefully my supply will increase more.

Dan's parents come out next weekend and I'm really looking forward to having a house full of people. I've found the transition from 1 to 2 so much easier then 0 to 1. I'm much happier this time but I'm thinking that may have to do with the anti anxiety/depression meds (50 mg of Zoloft) I've been taking. I really can't say enough about taking this. I'm so glad I did and it's a night and day difference since I started them. I would recommend them to anyone really struggling with anxiety or depression. It's made a huge difference in my life and I know that also effects the kids lives too.

Now that I'm 6 weeks post partum I plan to start running. My current weight as of Monday was 178.5. At 2 weeks pp I was 181 so I've managed to slowly lose weight without diet or exercise. Because of the milk supply issue I have no plans diet at the moment and am hoping that exercise alone for the next few weeks will be a start to my weight loss goals. I plan to run every second day starting tomorrow morning.
Here's some pictures: