Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Heart update

Sorry for the delay, we had Jack's appointment last Tuesday. The appointment was set for 8am. First they did the echo then the ecg. Afterwards we met with an inter who did a full physical on Jack then went to discuss the results of the tests with the cardiologist who then came back and redid the physical. We received some really good news. He does NOT have dextrocardia or any other serious heart defect. The only heart defect is the murmur caused by a small hole between the ventricles. They expect this to close on it's own and we don't even need to go back to Children's hospital unless my doctor thinks it's necessary. We also have the cardiologists card that we can call if we have any concerns.
I'm so relieved and I'm so glad now that we were able to do these tests. I actually feel more confident that Jack is heart healthy then Lauren at the moment. It's such a relief to hear from a cardiologist that your child has no heart related concerns and should grow up to be totally heart healthy.

Jack is amazing, both my kids are. Jack still sleeps really well. He wakes up to feed then pretty much goes back to sleep. Sure he fuses sometimes but he's able to settle pretty quickly. I do have to admit but we're now co sleeping. Dan can't sleep in the room because Jack's too much of a noisy sleeper (he really is! He grunts and moans most of the night) and he has a cold still and needs to be propped up a little. I have to admit I'm loving the cuddles. What we are doing differently though is Jack naps in his crib. I plan to have him sleep there at least part of the night at 6 months. I'm hoping that once his stomach gets bigger he'll be able to sleep through the night and he's learning how to fall asleep and stay asleep on his own while in the crib during the day.

Lauren is still in love with her brother. There's rarely any jealousy, in fact the other morning I offered to have Dan take Jack to the kitchen with him so we could cuddle in bed for a while but she wanted Jack to stay too and cuddle the three of us. It's the same when I offer to have someone watch Jack so we can go to the park or spend time just the two of us. She always declines and wants Jack to come with us. Quite often if he's fussing on the floor or in his chair she'll go over and talk to him. She is such a great big sister and I'm so proud of her :)