Wednesday, December 7, 2011

4 months

weight : 17.8 lbs
height : 65 cm

I've lost nearly all of my Lauren pregnancy weight! I have 5 more pounds to go (161) and 10 to be at my pre Hailey pregnancy weight (156) and to be honest another 21 to go to be at my ideal weight (145!) I bought a 3 month pass to my local recreation centre and have been going to classes a 3-5 times a week. I go to 2 cycle fit classes a week (which I really enjoy) and try to do 2-3 stroller stride classes. The stroller stride is harder to get motivated to go to because it's in the morning and all depends on how well Lauren slept.

Enough about me though. Lauren's doing great. Her sleeping habits could be better though. She was sleeping through the night for a few weeks but has now started getting up every 3 hours. This wouldn't be so bad if she'd go right back to sleep afterwards but the past week she's been staying awake for a few hours  which is really hard on me. Thankfully last night she was tired enough to go back to sleep. She's a little drooler at the moment and will soak through a within a few hours. She's also got a terrible diaper rash that won't go away no matter what we do. I've had to switch to disposables so I can use zinc based cream and sometimes it'll start to look better but has yet to go away after a week and a half. These combined with her chewing on her fingers leads me to believe she's teething. Hopefully the tooth will cut through soon so we can go back to cloth. I absolutely hate using the disposables, not to mention how expensive they are!

She's recently started to grab for things. She babbles whenever she feels like it and I can guarantee if you try to prompt her to talk she will refuse. Here's a few pics taken over the last month.

 Lauren trying on her swim suit
 sitting at the table while we eat
 Lauren and mum
 watching as Dad cuts down out christmas tree

 (sorry the red eye reducer wouldn't work on this picture)
Taken today during tummy time